May 19, 2015

Tutorial, part 11 - Hem Facings

Sew the center front hem facing (piece J) to the side waistband facing (piece K). 

Sew that assembly to the center back facing (piece L). 

Repeat for the other side, then sew the two assemblies together along the center back. 

Press all seam allowances open.

Sew the facing assembly to the jacket body, right sides facing and matching seam lines.

Fold the facing assembly upward and press. 

Understitch the seam allowance to the facing assembly ⅛" from the bottom of the jacket.


  1. Hey Alex,
    Chris from Germany here...
    I'm working on a medium sized jacket. On the pattern I think you have forgotten the seam allowances for the side waistband facing (piece K side waistband) or just the info to add these when cutting the facing... :-/

  2. D'oh! Good catch!

    I meant to only subtract the side seam allowances, but I accidentally subtracted the front/side front and back/side back seam allowances as well.

    Just add 3/4" to one (shorter) end of the facing and you'll be good to go.

    Sorry about that!

    - Alex
